The high school theater arts department brought the classic game “Clue” to life in a delightful, comic murder mystery.
Directed by Deanna Flora, the play is set on a dark and stormy night where six guests, each with a mysterious alias, are invited to a bizarre dinner party.
Greeted by a butler offering various weapons, the guests soon find themselves in the middle of a murder investigation when the host turns up dead.
The central question: Who did it? Was it Mrs. White in the Billiard Room with the Rope? Or maybe Colonel Mustard in the Study with the Wrench?
The cast featured Rain Davis as the Butler, Jake Forman as Colonel Mustard, Sema Frantz as Mrs. White, Wills Gordon as Mr. Green, Violet Bejona as Miss Scarlett, Joshua Belote as Professor Plum, and Ellen Presely as Mrs. Peacock.
The play was highly entertaining, with great comedic moments that had families and students laughing throughout.

The story was captivating, creating a lively and engaging atmosphere. However, due to some mature content, it may not be the best choice for very young children.
The actors performed flawlessly, whether delivering lines or staying perfectly still while playing dead. They adapted impressively to initial technical difficulties, which were quickly resolved, allowing the show to continue smoothly.
The costumes matched each character’s personality perfectly, adding depth to the performance.
The “Clue” production was a hilarious and suspenseful murder mystery that kept the audience guessing until the very end.